About Me

Welcome to my portfolio! I'm a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University, specializing in Computer Systems and Software Engineering, with a keen interest in Deep Learning research. I bring over a year of professional software engineering experience, gained through full-time work in the industry. My passion for innovation led me to explore and validate new ideas, and I enjoy writing about my discoveries in Software Systems and Machine Learning on my blog. I'm always eager to connect on LinkedIn to discuss my work, projects, and share insights with fellow enthusiasts. Collaboration is essential in the tech world, and I value learning from others while contributing to the community. I also find joy in making music and playing the guitar during my free time. It's a creative outlet that complements my problem-solving mindset.
Do you know how many guitars a guitarist shoud buy?
"One more"



Working on the Google Cloud AI team, making ML more accessible to everyone. Leveraging the power of LLMs to build apps that make internal teams more efficient.

May 2023 - Present
Software Engineer Intern

Carnegie Mellon University

Graduate researcher at CMU's School of Computer Science. Studying the application of self-supervised deep learning methods for few-shot semantic medical image segmentation (MRI/CT and electron microscopy data)

Jan 2022 - Dec 2022
Graduate Researcher

Carnegie Mellon University

Master's of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering. GPA - 4.0/4.0

Jan 2022 - Dec 2023
Graduate Student

Deloitte USI

Part of the AI & Data analytics vertical where I developed backend code for an Auto-ML web application, also worked with a lot of data and dev-ops related stuff on AWS cloud like modeling, migration, warehousing and CI/CD.

Sept 2020 - Dec 2021
Data Analyst

Manipal Institute of Technology

Graduated with a BS in Electrical engineering, minor in Embedded systems. GPA - 9.02/10

Aug 2016 - Aug - 2020
Undergraduate Student


Programming Languages
Frameworks and Tools



Tool to automatically extract keywords from corpus spanning various domains and form heirarchical relationships (Ontology) between them. This tool helped me bag the 1st place at Deloitte's NLP hackathon.

8K+   1K+


A high-level dynamically typed interpreted language with python-like features implemented on a C++ backend. This project is mainly for deepening my understanding of programming language design.

8K+   1K+

Self-supervised Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation

A novel & effective approach to the tackle the challenging task of automatically segmenting regions in MRI/CT scans in a few-shot setting with very little training data. Code and research paper will be made public soon!

3D Graphics Engine

An interactive tool to render 3D objects using 2D graphics using concepts of linear algebra and computational graphics.

8K+   1K+


A transformer based light-weight model that can solve mathematical equations containing single variable factored polynomials with ~99% accuracy. This project helped me learn a lot about how modern-day NLP tasks are solved efficiently using Transformers and the Attention mechanism.

8K+   1K+


Modern embedded systems have highly secure software, however, research suggests that they are extremely vulnerable to hardware attacks. Secure-AES is a novel approach to produce tamper-resistant chips. More information and paper is at my github!

8K+   1K+

© 2023 Abhinand Jha